Barbara Przyluska.BARBARA PRZYLUSKA was educated at the Gdansk Academy of Arts, from1978 to 1983, under the tudorship of Professor Casimir Sramkiewicz. She was awarded an M.A. with honours. In 1982 she was awarded a prize of excellence by the Polish Ministry of Culture and Arts, from 1983 till 1985, was awarded a scholarship by the same Ministry. In 1993 she was awarded two distinct prizes :
Her works have been exhibited in over 120 official exhibitions in Europe ( mostly Spain,Germany, Italy, Poland ) as well as in Japan and USA. Exhibitions of renown are :
Barbara Przyluska's works can be found in museums and private collections in severalcountries in of which Australia, Belgium, Brazzil, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan,Sweden, Switzerland, When in Italy ,her famous portrait of Francesco Nullo, which is at Bergamo Museum, is well worth a detour. |